The Museum is located at the lower level of the Culture Centre showcasing rare replicas of different kinds of Chinese artifacts. Every year, the Museum receives thousands of students and tourists.
Visitors can also learn the history of the Chinese community in Calgary in our award-winning exhibit hall: “Our Chosen Land: 100 years of development of the Chinese community in Calgary.” The exhibition is divided into two main parts. “The History of Chinese Canadians in Canada” concentrates primarily on the background and general conditions of Chinese immigrants to Canada, while “The Evolution of the Chinese Community in Calgary” concentrates primarily on the development of Calgary’s Chinatown.
Opening Hours:
Monday - Sunday: 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
*exception for group visits please call in advance to book a time
Book a museum tour here
Admissions :
The museum is FREE for non-guided visits.
For guided-visits and tour group packages, please contact info@culturalcentre.ca. (Minimum five people requested for museum tours.)

This exhibition was first presented in 1994, and was a tribute to the Calgary Centennial Celebration, as the Chinese community has contributed to the development of Calgary since its inception more than a hundred years ago. The exhibition is now on permanent display at the Museum. A special publication detailing the display with photos is available for sale at the information counter of Centre located on the main floor.
In the Museum, visitors can look for:
Replicas of horses, life sized terra-cotta soldiers in different postures, and the mighty chariot
A replica set of an eight-piece handcrafted dining room furniture in mahogany wood of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Palace
The model of the Earliest Seismography – the world’s first earthquakes detector invented by Zhang Heng in China in 132 A.D.
A hand-made tapestry that weaved in the four great inventions of China – Paper Making, Printing, Gunpowder and the Magnetic Compass
Vivid sculptures from Shiwan (Stone Bay) that depict characters from legends and myths throughout Chinese history
Beautiful ceramics and porcelain items that reveal the colors, patterns, and wide variety of Chinese ceramics and porcelain throughout history
A magnificent art piece all made by bird’s feathers – the Roaring Tigers
Five pieces of the Emperor and Empress robes, along with hats and shoes of the Qing Dynasty
The Chronological Table that shows the different stages of history of Chinese and Western civilizations from pre-historic to modern day
Bronze wares that has a history of more than 3,000 years including the incredibly spouting Bronze Singing Fish Basin